Wednesday 31 July 2013


Good morning my friends and it’s a new month!
New Year’s resolutions..... many of us make them, and almost as many of us break them. Whether we quietly yield to temptation, brazenly throw resolutions out the window, or simply forget about our well-intended promises to ourselves, New Year’s resolutions tend to fail for one simple reason–a year is a very long time.

The idea behind this monthly resolution is to experiment with your life. Rather than setting vague (what does “be healthier” really mean, anyway?) or potentially unrealistic (if only we had time to go for a walk or run every day) goals at the outset of a new year, the monthly resolution pushes you to set a more specific, measurable goal at the beginning of each month. How much can you save this month? You need to buy a TV. You want to cut down late night food. How much weight can you lose? Sincerely if you can’t succeed in thirty days the year is a fallacy.

Some resolutions will fit seamlessly into your life, enlighten you in some way, or produce such positive results that you’ll want to carry them into the future and make them part of your everyday life. Others you’ll discard the moment the month is done and will fondly remember as self-inflicted torture. In either case, you’ll challenge yourself, find out what’s really important to you, and maybe even grow as a person.

This year has produced some wonderful memories for us to live on and we all have different ways of seeing the resolutions we have played through the year. I would like to say I’m not taking our minds of the series we are reading, the continuation would be out also today, but we need to help ourselves live a healthy life this august. Thus the writings of today is for everyone but titled


I mean no harm in my analysis you are about to read. There is nothing spiritual about being old and single. Even some ladies choose not to marry but there lays a pride being married not to talk of the companionship you derive from your partner. The essence of this resolution of rejuvenating is to help our single ladies run a better living package to put them not only in physical shape but also mental shape. Prepare yourself for your man; he is also out there preparing himself for you. The following are things we propose you do this month

1        Pray more often: I’m a Christian and I have Muslim friends. I have no atheist as friends, so whoever you serve pray for directions to live a better life this august from the person else you might have to learn from us alone. 

2.       Instead of deprivation, practice moderation: your resolution to keep your shape and body in order should not be for your future man alone. You own your body and whatever it becomes is you. Don’t stop eating fries completely, (how many food do we have in Nigeria). Don’t make resolutions that look like punishment. Tell yourself I’m going to cut back on desserts.' Maybe pick a Saturday to have dessert." The reduction approach is much more realistic than the all-or-nothing technique, which labels foods as "good" or "bad."

3.       Refine your man: so many single ladies are looking for a refined man. A tall dark guy with six packs and six pockets who can do what their father cannot do and they are not the most beautiful girl in the world. I wonder what a careless search that is. When God made Eve, Adam was a crude object. Remember he was made from dust, but Eve was made from ribs. One of the reformation processes of Eve was the introduction of apple. Ladies be a package a guy would make reference to. If you are really planning to settle down that man is the right one.

4.       Stop believing lies: lot of guys choose the month of august to lie to ladies. I’m sorry I can’t tell you the reason(august rush).  But tell yourself one truth today that everything a guy tells you must come with a proof. When Jacob wanted to marry in the bible he was a slave for 12 years in his in-law’s house (don’t try that anyway). The way ladies believe shits bother me. He said he loves me, He tells his dog also. He said he’s always too busy to call or return calls or pick up his phone or send a message…… bullshit. He is not ready for you so quickly move on before you are thirty. Every guy can do anything to have you, same way they can do anything to sustain you 

5.       Don’t be too demanding:  it might be difficult for some of us and for others it might just pass. But this month don’t be too dependent on your man if you have one. And for the guy that is coming your way, don’t see him like an ATM machine. Every guy loves to be on top of his game but they don’t want to be pushed around. Give him time he will fall the MAGA himself you don’t have to force him. 

Resolutions for a single man(tomorrow)

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