Monday 13 January 2014


The service was stretched a little longer than the normal two hours. And when we left it was time to socialize. I had built my confidence thus asking for her number wouldn’t be a problem. There was no room for favours as she drove to church also. Her attitude became insipid as we walking towards the car park and it became obvious I was desperate for the ass. It was a normal thing to be the center of attraction when you roll in those wheels of ass. At last I got it and I arranged for dinner that evening which she agreed. 

Church has done a great thing for me and I would repay by being a life member of the church. I was even ready to go into evangelism and whoever doesn't believe me: I have a proof. Nkechi was wonderful in the dinner attire; even though the lights were dim I could still see the shadows the long and big ass caused behind her. Her smile was heavenly as we eat and the gist seems not to finish. I knew there was something about her; not just the structure I’m looking at. Thus I began digging deep. It was ten thirty P.M and it was time to go home I drove behind her to her house and when we got there. She allowed me in. now I know I’m getting closer and then she told me her story………

Nkechi: I came to Abuja for an interview two years ago at the National Camp for Legislative Functions. It was a two day interview and you’ll know your fate on the spot. I was one of the most successful applicants but I wasn’t shortlisted because I dint know anybody. Nepotism played out so well and discouragement became of my spirit. I made up my mind to go back to Asaba where I lived till I discovered someone has picked my wallet beside me. This means my phone and money; all were gone.
I was stranded in another man’s town and I don’t even have any contact. Slowly the crowd reduced and it was about to rain. I walked outside the arena where the interview was held and started praying to God to create a way as there seems to be no way and the first way that came was Honourable Nido. He stopped and rolled down his glass to ask where I was going to. I was about explaining when tears rolled down my eyes. He became a little more interested as he parked his car and came down to attend to me better. He persuaded me to enter the car which I did and I narrated my ordeal to him. He hit me and said I should I should stop crying. He is going to make me happy I shouldn’t worry. Then I knew he doesn't know what would make me happy. He took me to his guest house, and said I would be here as long as I choose to be.

 The guest house is in Gwarinpa. A lot far from the legislative quarters, where his wife wouldn’t know what was happening. Based on my unfamiliarity with the town a driver was attached to me. The room was big and furnished. It was better than where I was coming from. Where I was I used to wake up by five o clock in the morning to sweep the whole compound and help my mother in her local restaurant till late in the evening.  The bed was large and the room looked a lot more like a hotel. Anyway it was a guest house. I was watching Africa magic when Honourable Nido came back with two cloth packs he had just bought for me. They were better than the once I brought. He really acted like an angel and he made me know God was wonderful. I knelt down to thank him but he pulled me up and close to himself. He looked straight into my eyes and said “if I behave well I’ll eat the good of the land” with this little smell of the land I knew the good was nice. He threw a towel at me as he walked inside the bathroom to check if the heater was working and confidently I started getting naked in his presence. The towel was small compared to my body size so it didn’t cover anything but I wasn’t ashamed of my body anyway. I cleaned up everywhere as I came out prepared for whatever would happen. When I got to the room I saw Honourable concentrating on the football match he had changed the channel to. I was trying to delay so that he comes to meet me and we start what he wants but surprisingly he told me to get dressed; that we are going out to have a drink and I shouldn’t forget the fact that I would be his sister wherever we go to. At this point I started feeling a little more uncomfortable. No man has ever seen my naked body and rejected, who is this man?  

It was a lovely outing as the national assembly was just meeting again. National issues were discussed in the presence of a small Asaba lady and then I knew what influence was. Everyone was willing I should come and work with them but Nido said no.

Dami: I checked the time and it was 12 o clock. They would have locked my gate and the vigilantes that just came around my area, like to mess with so called big boys. I asked her if it was possible for me to sleep in her house maybe the sitting room and Nkechi looked at me and said, if I don’t like you, I won’t let you in at the first instance. I moved close to her and the kiss began. That led to the bed and instead of her removing the clothes I removed and as I was about to plug into her to feel the warmth, I heard a loud gun shot with a cracked voice….. open that door right now or I blast your head.


It all started in church when Pastor Jerry said look at your neighbour from head to toe and tell them how wonderful they are. Beside me is a wonderfully made sister in the Lord. It seems the material she used in making the dress wasn’t enough, thus it was very short and tight. The protrusion from the chest region, the hips region and the back region is something of concern. I could not rush the look from head to toe. Looking at the chest alone took almost a minute and I needed to do a cross examination so that I won’t give a wrong report. The concentration was becoming embarrassing but Nkechi was just laughing like she expected it.  It was easy for me managing the hips; it was the back side that took me off guard. Sincerely I haven’t seen that before. It looked as if it was a mistake. This ass must be meant for someone else. Where did you get this from? All these roamed through my head and mind and now it was time to tell how wonderful she is. 

I’m Dami and my first experience at Salvation of the Saints International Ministry was one I must share. From the gate to the entrance of the church building, we were treated like Eddie Murphy in coming to America. Welcoming me with roses looked like a movie. There was this guy beside me, whose shoes need a lot of renovation. When he saw the service rendered; I know he felt it also that his shoes were not meant for that rug. The bulletin was free and the lovely ladies ushered me to the right side. It seems it was a church where two guys are not allowed to sit beside themselves. 

The ambience was great and all the protocols and ushers look like zenith bank ladies (Maitama branch). Even the guys were on point. All in suits and smiling like it’s not the same house rent we all pay in Abuja. I was really surprised and impressed at the packaging and I knew at that point that where you worship God matters. It was easier for prayers to go up here that all those under tree ministry. It took less than twenty minutes for the four thousand seat auditorium to get filled and the next shocker came, when the assistant Pastor came on stage to round off the exaltation. Open your bible to the book of Matthew chapter five verse twenty four. Everybody brought out Ipad and Samsung tabs. Ehhhh I was surprised when I started struggling with my 1000 pages old and New Testament NIV bible. It was easier for them to even change to message translation and amplified version but I looked on the screen to avoid the embarrassment. 

It was at this moment I started calculating how to get myself one before next Sunday. It was the choir’s ministration that sent chills through my body. They were very good that I felt heavenly and suddenly I started feeling like going to the toilet. I felt that unusual rumple in my tummy and I knew it was the effect of beans. A bad meal for breakfast when you will be exposed to the public. I struggled with an internal pull until it came out as a fart. The mix of perfumes wouldn’t make it smell though, thus I delivered in a gaseous state till I felt some relief. 

The Pastor’s entrance was like Chelsea scoring at the ninetieth minute. Everyone just started standing up thus I followed suit. Then the looks and prophecy’s started. I was first confused how a young boy like that would be a Pastor. He was so handsome that he would be a temptation to single ladies. It was when we celebrated mama that I knew where the inspiration comes from. My attention was drawn to the congregation again when he prophesied that “this week would be a week of location” and the ladies screamed amen. He went further by saying “your husband would locate you this week in Jesus name” and even prostitutes shouted amen. 

Then we started looking at our neighbour and then the problem started. That small start led me to this police cell I’m writing this story from.
Stay connected as Wolfax diaries would give you a detailed encounter of Dami Kulojy in church and further experience with an honourable’s girlfriend


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